Monday, January 11, 2021

There's Just Not Enough Of...

Food! Housing! Love! but wait..who told you that, though?

Pardon the quality - don't have a scanner lol. 
I recently read this post about "zero-sum thinking" or having a scarcity mindset and it got me excited to talk about because it plays into such a big part in our lives, especially in the United States (where I am). Growing up, I had this mindset, especially related to housing and food. I'll admit, I did learn very problematic ideas from my family and society that I'm not proud of. For example, that houseless folks have a reason for being houseless, which I now know is inhumane and not a good enough reason, ever. Humans have the right to have secure housing, enough food, clean water, and a safe, supportive environment. There will never be a good enough reason, in my eyes, for a person to lose any of these. If you still have that mindset, I suggest looking into yourself and finding your moral compass (because, truthfully, many of us have lost this).

There is always enough to go around. The scarcity mindset influences how we see our relationships and whether there is enough in us to go around. For example, if we have enough affection, love, or capacity to go around. Time and living spaces are things that can have a limit. There's only 24 hours a day so of course you can't exactly have 5 dates lined up in one day (unless your time management skills are impeccable, for that I commend you). If it's about whether you have enough love to go around, ask yourself, "Well, how much love do I have in me?" Can you answer that with a number or specific words?

The above post reads, "Sex At Dawn (written by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha), discusses how sex and love are viewed as scarce resources in compulsory monogamy. A person can only sustainably have sex with and love just one other person (at a time). However, that level of exclusivity isn't applied so intensely when it comes to children or friends." 

How come we have capacities for love in romantic relationships, but not for friendships or for family? We usually don't say to ourselves, "I can't make another friend, there's just not enough friendship in me?" Many of us are very open to making friends throughout our lives and never really think about whether we have to only have one friend. Another example, is the children part! Parents and caregivers love all of their children, whether that be equal or not is based on the parent/caregiver, but they of course have enough love to go around for all of their kids! Why is love measured when it comes to more romantic or sexual relationships, but not the platonic or familial ones? That's when the scarcity mindset comes in, but also where society likes to pick and choose which rules apply to certain situations. 

We of course have enough love to go around! I love my friends, family, pets, books, nature, traveling, clothes, and so much more. I have so much love to give and I want to spread it around. I'm not saying you should go find more partners or friends or whatever, unless that's what you want. What I'm saying is YOU CAN. You have the choice whether to be monogamous or not, you have a choice whether to be more intimate with folks or not, you have the choice and the capacity. When a person gets married, that does not mean their love meter has reached its capacity. When a person meets a new friend, that does not mean their love for their other friends lessens. Love is abundant and always will be.

I'd like to also bring up the housing crisis a little to add another counterargument for the scarcity mindset. Many people believe there is not enough housing in certain cities or there is not enough money for state or local governments to invest in building housing for houseless folks. Let me say this: then why are restaurants legit building houses or bubbles for people to "dine-in, but not actually inside"? If you haven't seen them, google it. It's enraging to see how easily places have made enclosed spaces outside of their restaurants in order for folks to eat out during a pandemic. Why is this so easy, but building houses or at the very least, creating a secure and set spot for houseless folks to put up their tents? Our governments pick and choose. That's why. The marginalized folks are the ones hit the hardest and politicians don't make it a priority.

The scarcity mindset is supposed to throw people off. It's supposed to make people think there is not ___ to go around so that we start blaming each other, instead of looking at the bigger picture. I want more people to think about this and really question why certain things are the way they are. Why are we forced into compulsory monogamy? Why is the biggest population of houseless folks in one of the most expensive cities? Why is everyone supposed to pick to be a girl or boy? Isn't there more? Aren't we more? 

Lots of questions! Lots of thinking! Let me know what you think! Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it :-)

*Credit to Polyamorous While Asian for the post used above.*

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