Saturday, December 19, 2020

social media hates sex (well..sorta)

So many huge platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.) create these guidelines in order to control what they allow on their site and what they don't allow. Recently, Instagram shared that they would be clarifying their Terms of Service/Agreements and it will essentially make it harder for sex workers, sex educators, doulas, and more to post their content. I have seen so many sex educators censor the word "sex" and it is so disheartening and frustrating that these big ass platforms continue to do this. Instagram even wants to censor "sexual" emojis like the eggplant...WHAT?! They do so much violent censoring and to SPECIFIC people, too (meaning all sex workers and Black and Indigenous folks). Also, they allow a lot of content that pertains to the male gaze...SMH!!!!

Many sex educators, especially sex workers, rely on social media in order to make their income. It's where they share their content, where they find their clients, get visibility, etc. These platforms are already so violent towards sex workers, but now, specifically Instagram, will make it even more difficult for them to use this site. In a pandemic, really?! As if they haven't gone through enough. 

I wanted to bring attention to this on my blog because well my blog is about sexuality. It's important for us to stand by sex workers, sign petitions, donate to their funds, and show these violent corporations that they cannot continue to censor people's content. This affects so many people, but it also affects the audience: you. Personally, I have learned so much about sex education and sexuality in general just by using Instagram. It's like I took a sex education class on there with multiple teachers! So many wonderful creators share their content, whether it be about sex toys, relationships, non-monogamy, sex positions, orgasms, sexual trauma, sexual health, how race affects sex, etc., etc. Many of us do not get a proper sex education and only learn about limited topics. These creators on platforms like Instagram make it accessible for more people to explore beyond heterosexuality, monogamy, penetrative sex, or birth control. 

And guess who are the ones most affected by guidelines like these? Black and Indigenous communities. If a white, skinny celebrity posts a picture of their ass in a bikini - they will be not censored, shadow banned, or deleted. They will get allll of the likes, but if a sex worker is selling pictures of themselves of the same sort of photo, say goodbye to their account. I have heard too many stories of this happening. 

Anyways, basically these big platforms are doing exactly what they were made to do: censor BIPOC bodies while allowing white bodies to do whatever. Racism and violence towards BIPOC folks is very much alive in many aspects of their lives, especially in social media. Well, to end this, here are some funds you can donate to, I'll try to add more as I find them:

SWOP-USA - Organization fighting for safety of sex workers and educating folks that #SEXWORKISWORK

Zepp Wellness - This is their GoFundMe raising money to give free therapy to BIPOC folks and sex workers. This organization is also ran by sex workers! I didn't see a website, but here's their Instagram.

Relief fund for black sex workers - GoFundme

GoFundMe for disabled Black sex workers

Again, #sexworkiswork. Support your fellow sex workers, tip them only fans account, follow them on different platforms to keep up with them, donate, donate, donate, educate, educate, educate. The work sex workers, sex educators, and anyone within those spaces do is so important, please support them! Thanks for reading :-) 

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